Legacy Giving Program

“Let us hope the ripples which this gift makes grow wider and wider” —Claire Friedberg

The Olive Free Library has established the The Friedberg Legacy Society to recognize and honor those friends and members of the community who have made a commitment to the future of the Olive Free Library by including the institution in their estate planning.

The Olive Free Library has partnered with FreeWill to offer our donors an easy and completely free way to create a legally valid will or trust. It’s easy to use and takes only 20 minutes to complete. Begin your legacy with us by using this secure and safe resource.

FreeWill can also help you designate beneficiaries for your non-probate assets like IRAs, 401(k)s, and brokerage accounts. Use this free service to plan beneficiaries for your non-probate assets in one place.

Have you already included a gift for the Library in your will or trust? Please fill out this form and let us know!